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Healings in Motion

20 Jul, 2022

Rehearsal Saves Me Again

My moving company will keep my belongings in storage containers for 2 to 3 weeks until there is a truck heading to west to Michigan. …

09 Jul, 2022

Why Do Stroke Survivors Lose Friends?

Through my involvement with stroke survivors at all levels, I heard from a lady who had to move 2000 miles away to get out of…

28 May, 2022

Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda, But Did I?

I “coulda” gone to the doctor when my leg pain escalated, but I didn’t want to miss a day of work. I “shoulda” gone to…

25 Dec, 2021

Down the Rabbit Hole

When I heard myself thinking about spelling errors before my alarm clock went off, I knew the social isolation of covid had sent me down…

18 Dec, 2021

Moving Forward is memory dependent….

For me, it is not that I forget future plans when I think about them. It is that it is so easy to forget to…

10 Dec, 2021

Glad I was a Therapist Before I was a Professor

I am glad I worked as a therapist before I became a professor.  School creates a false sense of security.  If you do not know…

25 Nov, 2021

Fall Upon Fall: The Wheelchair Was the Logical Next Step

  I received the news as what I perceived to be a bevy of people sitting in my living room four years ago. It was…

12 Sep, 2021

10 Questions to Ask Your Doctor After A Stroke

Sometimes it can be hard to know the right questions to ask your doctor after having a stroke, especially if you’re dealing with brain fog…

15 Aug, 2021

7 Tips to Improve Neurofatigue

Neurofatigue can be a bear to deal with, and it’s not like regular fatigue. It can be ongoing and cause both physical and mental exhaustion.…

17 Jul, 2021

Global Warming for Dummies (There Really Is a Book Called That) and the Subsequent Stroke

  If you haven't been under the proverbial rock, you have some idea of what global warming is. First, some background dummied down for  the population--of…

14 Jun, 2021

The Threefold Approach to Recovery

If we know anything about stroke recovery, it’s that every persons’ experience is different. Recovery is unique and requires problem-solving for the specific things you’re…

02 Jun, 2021

6 Common Sleep Myths

Sleep disruption is one of those symptoms that often gets pushed aside in stroke recovery. It’s understandable. You’re likely dealing with a lot of changes…

13 May, 2021

BEFAST: How to Recognize a Stroke

A recent article published by the American Heart Association found that almost 30% of adults under 45 don’t know the 5 main symptoms of a…

05 May, 2021

Top 10 Modifiable Stroke Risk Factors

May is Stroke Awareness Month here in the U.S. Up to 80% of strokes are preventable with lifestyle changes: that’s a big number. Understanding the…

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