
21 Jun, 2019
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21 Jun, 2019
Summary: The 2019-2020 influenza season is off to an early start. Interestingly, the majority of cases have been associated with influenza B. With an increase in influenza-like illness identified in these last few weeks, it is possible that this season could be similar or worse than the 2017-2018 season. Brace…

21 Jun, 2019
Wuhan Coronavirus: An Emerging Global Pandemic?
A wave of influenza-like illness caused by a novel Coronavirus, named 2019-nCoV by the WHO, has swept through a populous area of China. Since December 31, 2019, there have been more than 830 people infected with at least 26 deaths (as of January 23rd, 2020). Chinese authorities have placed Wuhan,…

21 Jun, 2019
Covid-19 Made Me Smarter
Currently over 4,700 covid-19 deaths in New Jersey have occured in long-term-care facilities so I am very motivated to do what it takes to stay in my home. For example, my cleaning lady has not come for 6 weeks because of the pandemic. When I smelled dust and started to…

21 Jun, 2019
Visual Deficit of Any Kind or Just Fatigue from Stroke…
I was tired after 9 hours from multiple projects when, pre-coronavirus pandemic, I went to a famous vegetarian restaurant with a person I was going to interview, which also served vegans (of which I am one). I was told they had excellent food (first-rate grub is not at all…

21 Jun, 2019
Eyedrops After Cataract Surgery
People who do not have someone to put drops in their eyes four times a day need help. Task modification helped me succeed after my recent cataract surgery. It is easy to drop and difficult to squeeze the stiff sides of a tiny 5 ml bottle. I am glad I…

21 Jun, 2019
New Facts on COVID-19: "Don’t Come In Unless You’re Short…
I had an annoying, dry cough in the beginning of February. Then the cough roared like a hungry beast. No fever. Just the cough, with shortness of breath and fatigue that escalated quickly over a two-week period. Was it COVID-19, I asked myself repeatedly? I don't know now, and maybe…

21 Jun, 2019
Patient Information: Make a Home for Your Microbiome
Your microbiome/microbiota refers to the trillions of microbes that reside inside and outside your body. Human cells are outnumbered by the bacterial cell population. The highest source of bacteria in the body is within the large intestines. The status of resident bacteria has been associated with health and illness, with…

21 Jun, 2019
Patient Education: Making Sleep a Health Priority
Get the best out of your sleep Good sleep is a necessity for the healthy functioning of the mind and body. It is also one of the things that we can forcibly deprive ourselves. Ideally, we spend one-third of our lives asleep. Improving your sleep quality can be the first…

21 Jun, 2019
HOW TO POSITION A STROKE SURVIVOR When stroke survivors sit or lie down in the right way, it can help them recover faster and function better. Sitting or lying in incorrect positions may worsen problems such as stiffness, pain or interfere with awareness of the weak side. HOW SHOULD THE…

21 Jun, 2019
7 THINGS TO DO IN ORDER TO PREVENT A STROKE IN THIS ERA OF COVID19 Stroke prevention can start today. Protect yourself and avoid stroke, regardless of your age or family history. It's very important to safe guide yourself from being infected with the novel Corona virus ,COVID19, it's equally important…

21 Jun, 2019
Eyedrops After Cataract Surgery
People who do not have someone to put drops in their eyes four times a day need help. Task modification helped me succeed after my recent cataract surgery. It is easy to drop and difficult to squeeze the stiff sides of a tiny 5 ml bottle. I am glad I…

21 Jun, 2019
BEFAST: How to Recognize a Stroke
A recent article published by the American Heart Association found that almost 30% of adults under 45 don’t know the 5 main symptoms of a stroke. May is National Stroke Awareness Month here in the United States. To honor that and, with the understanding that a large percentage of adults…

21 Jun, 2019
Patient Information: Make a Home for Your Microbiome
Your microbiome/microbiota refers to the trillions of microbes that reside inside and outside your body. Human cells are outnumbered by the bacterial cell population. The highest source of bacteria in the body is within the large intestines. The status of resident bacteria has been associated with health and illness, with…

21 Jun, 2019
Patient Education: Making Sleep a Health Priority
Get the best out of your sleep Good sleep is a necessity for the healthy functioning of the mind and body. It is also one of the things that we can forcibly deprive ourselves. Ideally, we spend one-third of our lives asleep. Improving your sleep quality can be the first…