Reply To: Support Groups in North/Central/Southern Johannesburg for mom(speech apraxia)


On Wed, May 12, 2021 at 11:11 AM Strokefocus Member Services <> wrote:

Greetings Pearl,
I applaud you for having the courage and compassion to reach out for your
Mother during this critical part in her life. When one has a stroke (24 yrs
post) there are so many moving pieces going on at once it can become
overwhelming. While it can be a hard pill to swallow for some, our chemical
makeup in our brain changes. Depending on where the stroke occurred it can
change different parts of your “moods”.
Thus, altering who we once were pre-stroke. We find in our community that
depression is a huge factor one endures after a stroke. You are right!
Being amongst those who have gone through similar “circumstances” is a
great way to get through the ups and downs of depression. We have a virtual
community where you can connect with all types of survivors, warriors, and
you must take care of yourself… We have care-givers too!! We have a show
coming up on Friday the 14th discussing stroke & depression: How they
navigated through it all. I hope you can tune in 😀 If you search-
Determined Show on Facebook you can connect that way also search-
-DeterminedTV Live on YouTube
-Mark Garman on Facebook
Feel free to reach out any time.

Mark Garman